As a teacher, I found that sharing my experiences, wisdom and knowledge helped my students see the world more deeply. Now more than ever, we need to know what to do to protect our health. As a nation, we are over-fed and under-nourished. Too many of us are sitting for the majority of the day and not getting proper exercise. We are exposing our bodies to chemical toxins at an alarming rate. No wonder we are a nation with so many diseases and medical issues. I want to help be a part of the solution.

Let me speak to you!

  • Churches
  • Schools
  • Private Organizations
  • Businesses 
  • Clubs

I am available to speak to groups of any size and any audience. Each talk will be tailored the to that particular audience, complete with visuals. As a former theatre teacher, I promise the talk will be as entertaining as it is informative. And there will always be time for a question and answer session at the end.

If you are interested in an engaging eye-opening talk, please contact me.