What to Expect from a Session?

It’s always nice to know a little bit about the process before you go in for a session. Ladies wear a sports bra, bra or bralette and underwear for session or if working upper body. Men wear underwear and can wear loose shorts. You are covered by a sheet during your session. You should arrive ten minutes early for your first session to fill out some paperwork if you don’t have it with you. I use essential oils that assist in moving the lymph and eliminating waste, with your permission. We will go over all of the areas where I will be working before I begin.

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Why Do i need Deep Lymphatic release?

Most people don’t give their lymphatic system any thought. Even doctors don’t seem to know much about this important system. The lymphatic system is our immune system, so we should take better care of it. What would happen if our garbage didn’t get picked up and hauled away? It would pile up! Our bodies are like that as well. The job of the lymphatic system is to find and eliminate all of the bacteria, viruses, toxins, damaged cells and cancer cells from the body. Without proper care, these invaders are trapped in the body and cause harm. Deep Lymphatic Release allows the body to release and eliminate these toxins.

What should i expect after my session?

Every client reacts differently to a session. Some of these feelings may include lightness, peace, renewed energy, inch loss, increased flexibility and joy. Others may feel tiredness, nausea, headaches or sadness. And some clients may not feel much at all. Much of how you feel depends on what toxins and emotions your body is storing and releasing. As unpleasant emotions, trauma and toxins are released from the body, space is created for receiving what you need to be your most authentic self. It is very important to drink a lot of distilled water after your sessions. This is the best way to flush the body of toxins that have been released during the session.

The leg on the left has had the XTract™ technique performed on it. Notice the difference in size (greatly reduced swelling) and color.

The leg on the left has had the Deep Lymphatic Release technique performed on it. Notice the difference in size (greatly reduced swelling) and color.

Who needs a deep lymphatic release session?

Everyone will benefit from cleaning out the lymphatic system and boosting the immune system.

Signs of Lymphatic Congestion:

  • Fatigue

  • Bloating

  • Water Retention

  • Joint Pain or Stiffness (especially in the morning)

  • Brain Fog

  • Itchy, Dry Skin

  • Cellulite

  • Frequent Headaches

  • Stubborn Weight Gain

  • Chronic Sinusitis and Ear Issues

  • Frequent Colds or Sore Throat

  • Breast Tenderness and Swelling with Menstrual Cycle

  • Swollen Glands

  • Cold Hands and Feet

How many sessions do I need?

For anyone with chronic issues such as allergies, swelling, frequent illness, etc., six sessions are recommended. You determine how often you need your sessions. The closer together they are, the faster you will see results. Most clients opt for once a week if dealing with health issues, but if you choose every two weeks or even once a month, you will still see amazing results.

How much do deep lymphatic release sessions cost?

  • 1 Hour Session $100

  • 1 1/2 Hour Session $140

  • Half hour and 45 minute sessions are available for children and those with compromised immune systems.

Is there anyone who can’t have a deep lymphatic release session?

Yes. You cannot have a Deep Lymphatic Release session if any of the following apply:

  • Currently on Chemotherapy or Radiation Therapy

  • History of Blood Clots

  • Open Cuts or Wounds

  • Unknown Lumps

  • Active Burns or Rashes

  • Active Fever or Infection

  • Pregnant or Nursing