Meet Holistic Heidi


Sully is ready for a run in the woods!

Sully is ready for a run in the woods!

Hello! I'm Heidi Kurtz--a mom, wife, teacher, and health coach. I am in my late 50s and feel fabulous with little to no aches and pains. Some of my passions are cooking, hiking and traveling, and I am trying my hand at gardening. Recently, after having stopped running years ago, I took up trail running with my crazy Australian shepherd, Sully. My mission is to have everyone live a happy, healthy, balanced life. I received my training from Trinity School of Natural Health as a Certified Natural Health Professional, a Master Iridologist and a Doctor of Naturopathy (think of it as a PhD in natural health—not an MD!). So whether you are looking to make radical changes or are just taking baby steps toward better health, I'm here to lend a hand! 



If you want to read the story that took me from teacher to a new career in natural health, just click the link below. I warn you, it's a bit lengthy and not a happy tale. 

The Rest of the Story
